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Management and Conservation of RPPN Fazenda Almas



At the moment the reserve is open solely for the visits of researchers and for pre-arranged environmental education classes.

Reservations must be made at least 10 days in advance by phone ((81)-3271-4256) or through the e-mail address

The applicant should fill in the booking form, attach a list with the names of all the members of his party and sign the waiver of liability.


Further Information
José Roberto Lima
Rua Dr. Nina Rodrigues, 265 – Iputinga – Recife/PE – CEP.: 50,731-280
Phone/Fax (81) 3271-4451 
End. Electronics: or

APNE - Associação Plantas do Nordeste 

Rua Dr. Nina Rodrigues, 265 - Iputinga - Recife - Pernambuco | CEP: 50.731-280 | 00 55 (81) 3271.4256

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